Paymaster SDK Tutorial (Typescript)

Install the paymaster SDK

npm install @kanalabs/paymaster-sdk
yarn add @kanalabs/paymaster-sdk

Initialize SDK with Private Key and projectKey

import { PaymasterSdk } from "@kanalabs/paymaster-sdk";
const sdk = new PaymasterSdk(
      "user private key", // Optional
    projectKey: "your project key", 
    network: Network.TESTNET // default MAINNET 
    chain: chainName.Aptos  // default aptos chain

Initialize SDK without Private Key

import { PaymasterSdk } from "@kanalabs/paymaster-sdk";
const sdk = new PaymasterSdk({}, { projectKey: testProjectKey, network: Network.TESTNET })

Check If user already whitelisted,

const isWhitelisted = await sdk.isWhitelisted();

// Response format
    success: boolean;
    message: string;

It will return { success: true, message: 'whitelisted' } if already whitelisted.

It will return { success: true, message: 'not whitelisted' } if it is not whitelisted.

To add user to whitelist

const whitelist = await sdk.addToWhitelist();
// Response format
    success: boolean;
    message: string;

It will return { success: true, message: 'Successfully added' } if successfully whitelisted.

It will return { success: true, message: 'already whitelisted' } if user already whitelisted.

Initialize user account

if that account is not available in Aptos mainnet you can initialize account with the following function.

const initAccount = await sdk.initAccount();
// Response format
    success: boolean;
    message: string;

It will return { success: true, message: 'account initialized' } if successfully initialized.

To make sponsored transactons you can build they required payload and pass it to the sponsoredTxn

const payload: TransactionPayload = {
    function: "0x1::aptos_account::transfer_coins",
    functionArguments: [
    typeArguments: ["0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"],
  const options: TransactionOptions = { gasUnitPrice: 100, maxGasAmount: 2000 };
try {
  const txn = await sdk.sponsoredTxn({
    data: payload,
    options: options,
  if ((txn as PendingTransactionResponse).hash) {
    const txnReceipt = await sdk.aptosClient.waitForTransaction({
      transactionHash: (txn as PendingTransactionResponse).hash,
      options: {
        checkSuccess: true,
  } catch (error: any) {
    console.log("error", error);
  const testProjectKey = process.env.PROJECT_KEY as string
  const testPrivateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as string
  const privateKeyWithoutPrefix = testPrivateKey.replace(/^0x/, '')
  const account = new SupraAccount(Buffer.from(privateKeyWithoutPrefix, 'hex'))

  const receiverAddress = new HexString(
    // "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  const key = account?.toPrivateKeyObject().privateKeyHex

  const sdk = new PaymasterSdk(
    { privateKey: key },
    { projectKey: testProjectKey, network: Network.TESTNET, chain: chainName.Supra },

  const feePayerAccount: any = await sdk.getDappFeePayerAddress()
  const feepayerAccountAddress = new HexString(feePayerAccount?.feePayerAddress[0]?.address.toString())

  const payloadData: SupraPayload = {
    module_address: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
    module_name: 'supra_account',
    function_name: 'transfer',
    type_arguments: [],
    arguments: [receiverAddress.toUint8Array(), BCS.bcsSerializeUint64(0)],

  const isWhitelisted = await sdk.isWhitelisted()
  if (!(isWhitelisted.message == 'whitelisted')) {
    console.log(await sdk.addToWhitelist())
    console.log(await sdk.initAccount())

  const sponsorTxSupraCoinTransferRawTransaction = await sdk.SupraClient.createRawTxObject(
    await sdk.wallet.accountAddress,
    (await sdk.SupraClient.getAccountInfo(await sdk.wallet.accountAddress)).sequence_number,
    [payloadData.arguments[0], payloadData.arguments[1]],

  // Creating Sponsor Transaction Payload
  const sponsorTransactionPayload = new TxnBuilderTypes.FeePayerRawTransaction(
    new TxnBuilderTypes.AccountAddress(feepayerAccountAddress.toUint8Array()),

  const sign = SupraClient.signSupraMultiTransaction(account, sponsorTransactionPayload)

  const txn = await sdk.sponsoredTxn({
    data: payloadData,
    senderAddress: account.address().toString(),
    senderAuth: sign,
    transaction: sponsorTransactionPayload.raw_txn,
  console.log('txn: ', txn)
    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.MAINNET })
    const aptosClient = new Aptos(config)
    const senderAccount = Account.generate()

    const payload: TransactionPayload = {
      function: '0x1::aptos_account::transfer_coins',
      functionArguments: ['0x0b4b8ef78fb296f89006f1936f01427a3a7e0eadd11dd4998c6bf438a0c8ce6b', 0],
      typeArguments: ['0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'],

    const options: TransactionOptions = {
      gasUnitPrice: 100,
      maxGasAmount: 2000,

    const sdk = new PaymasterSdk(
      { privateKey: undefined },
        projectKey: testProjectKey,
        network: Network.MAINNET,
        // by default chain is aptos

    const isWhitelisted = await sdk.isWhitelisted({
      address: senderAccount.accountAddress.toString(),

    if (!(isWhitelisted.message == 'whitelisted')) {
      console.log('not whitelisted')
        await sdk.addToWhitelist({
          address: senderAccount.accountAddress.toString(),
      await sdk.initAccount({
        address: senderAccount.accountAddress.toString(),

    const transaction = await{
      sender: senderAccount.accountAddress.toString(),
      data: payload,
      options: options,
      withFeePayer: true,
    const senderAuth = sdk.aptosClient.transaction.sign({
      signer: senderAccount,
      transaction: transaction,

    const response = await sdk.sponsoredTxnWithSenderAuth({
      senderAuth: senderAuth,
      transaction: transaction,
    if ((response as PendingTransactionResponse).hash) {
      const txnreceipt = (await sdk.aptosClient.waitForTransaction({
        transactionHash: (response as PendingTransactionResponse).hash,
        options: { checkSuccess: true },
      })) as UserTransactionResponse
      console.log('txn status', txnreceipt.success)
try {
    const testProjectKey = process.env.PROJECT_KEY as string
    const testPrivateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as string
    const privateKeyWithoutPrefix = testPrivateKey.replace(/^0x/, '')
    const sdk = new PaymasterSdk(
      { privateKey: undefined },
        projectKey: testProjectKey,
        network: Network.TESTNET,
        chain: chainName.Supra,

    const senderAccount = new SupraAccount(Buffer.from(privateKeyWithoutPrefix, 'hex'))

    const sender = senderAccount.address().toString()

    const receiverAddress = new HexString(

    const feePayerAccount: any = await sdk.getDappFeePayerAddress()
    const feepayerAccountAddress = new HexString(feePayerAccount?.feePayerAddress[0]?.address.toString())

    const isWhitelisted = await sdk.isWhitelisted({
      address: sender,

    if (!(isWhitelisted.message == 'whitelisted')) {
      console.log('not whitelisted')
        await sdk.addToWhitelist({
          address: sender,
        await sdk.initAccount({ address: sender }),

    const sponsorTxSupraCoinTransferRawTransaction = await sdk.SupraClient.createRawTxObject(
      (await sdk.SupraClient.getAccountInfo(senderAccount.address())).sequence_number,
      [receiverAddress.toUint8Array(), BCS.bcsSerializeUint64(0)],

    // Creating Sponsor Transaction Payload
    const sponsorTransactionPayload = new TxnBuilderTypes.FeePayerRawTransaction(
      new TxnBuilderTypes.AccountAddress(feepayerAccountAddress.toUint8Array()),

    const sign = SupraClient.signSupraMultiTransaction(senderAccount, sponsorTransactionPayload)

    const response = await sdk.sponsoredTxnWithSenderAuth({
      senderAuth: sign,
      senderAddress: sender,
      transaction: sponsorTransactionPayload.raw_txn,
    console.log('response: ', response)

Last updated

#94: Ajay's Jan 14 changes

Change request updated