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Same Chain Swap
If you wish to execute the transaction using your own logic that fits your use case, please refer to our aggregator-example
repository on Github
1. SwapQuotes function
Copy swapQuotes = async (params : SameChainSwapParams )
The input token for the swap operation.
The output token to receive after the swap.
The amount of input tokens to be swapped.
The allowed slippage percentage for the swap.
The network ID for the swap operation.
(Optional) Additional options for the swap.
2. ExecuteSwapInstruction
Copy executeSwapInstruction = async (params : SameChainInstructionParams )
A CommonRouteInterface
representing the quote response format.
The address related to the instruction.
(Optional) An object containing additional options.
(Optional) The connection provider to use.
(Optional) A string identifying the integrator.
1 . APTOS :
1.1 .Initialising The SDK
Copy import { Account , AccountAddress , Aptos , AptosConfig , Ed25519PrivateKey , Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk" ;
import { SwapAggregator , Environment , NetworkId } from '@kanalabs/aggregator' ;
const aptosConfig = new AptosConfig ({ network : Network . MAINNET });
const aptosProvider = new Aptos (aptosConfig)
const aptosSigner = Account .fromPrivateKey ({
privateKey : new Ed25519PrivateKey ( process . env . APTOS_PRIVATEKEY || '' ) ,
address : AccountAddress .from ( process . env . APTOS_ADDRESS || '' ) ,
legacy : true ,
const swap = new SwapAggregator ( Environment .production , {
providers : {
aptos : aptosProvider ,
} ,
signers : {
aptos : aptosSigner ,
} ,
1.2 .Getting Swap Quotes
Copy const quote = await swap .swapQuotes ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
inputToken : '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin' ,
outputToken : '0x6f986d146e4a90b828d8c12c14b6f4e003fdff11a8eecceceb63744363eaac01::mod_coin::MOD' ,
amountIn : '100000' ,
slippage : 0.5 ,
network : NetworkId .aptos ,
options : {
integratorAddress : '0x000...........' , // if ur an integrator and want to collect fee then u can pass ur address here
is_fee_coin_in : true , // u can pass this one as true if u want collect fee from input Token , but by Default it will be false (Output Token)
isFeeReferrer : true , // this one should be true , if integrator wants to collect fee
const optimalQuote = quote .data[ 0 ];
Please note that the feature of switching fee from output token to input token is only available in aptos chain only
1.3 .Executing Swap Quotes
Copy const executeSwap = await swap .executeSwapInstruction ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
quote : optimalQuote ,
address : swap . signer ?. aptos ?. accountAddress .toString () ,
2 . SUI :
2.1 .Initialising The SDK ```typescript
Copy import { Ed25519Keypair , JsonRpcProvider , RawSigner , Connection as SuiConnection } from '@mysten/sui.js' ;
import { SwapAggregator , Environment , NetworkId } from '@kanalabs/aggregator' ;
const suiProvider = new JsonRpcProvider ( new SuiConnection ({ fullnode : 'SUI RPC NODE ' }));
const suiSigner = new RawSigner ( Ed25519Keypair .deriveKeypair ( process . env . SUIMNEMONICS || '' ) , suiProvider);
const swap = new SwapAggregator ( Environment .production , {
providers : {
sui : suiProvider ,
} ,
signers : {
sui : suiSigner ,
} ,
2.2 .Getting Swap Quotes
Copy const quote = await swap .swapQuotes ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
inputToken : '0x2::sui::SUI' ,
outputToken : '0xf0fe2210b4f0c4e3aff7ed147f14980cf14f1114c6ad8fd531ab748ccf33373b::bswt::BSWT' ,
amountIn : '10000' ,
slippage : 1 ,
network : NetworkId .sui ,
const optimalQuote = quote .data[ 0 ];
2.3 .Executing Swap Quotes
Copy const executeSwap = await swap .executeSwapInstruction ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
quote : optimalQuote ,
address : await swap . signer ?. sui ?.getAddress () ,
3 . SOLANA :
3.1 .Initialising The SDK ```typescript
Copy import { Connection , Keypair , clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js' ;
import { SwapAggregator , Environment , NetworkId } from '@kanalabs/aggregator' ;
const solanaProvider = new Connection ( clusterApiUrl ( 'mainnet-beta' ));
const solanaSigner = Keypair .fromSecretKey ( bs58 .decode ( process . env . SOLANAPAYER || '' ));
const swap = new SwapAggregator ( Environment .production , {
providers : {
solana : solanaProvider ,
} ,
signers : {
solana : solanaSigner ,
} ,
3.2 .Getting Swap Quotes
Copy const quote = await swap .swapQuotes ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
inputToken : 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112' ,
outputToken : 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v' ,
amountIn : '1000' ,
slippage : 1 ,
network : NetworkId .solana ,
const optimalQuote = quote .data[ 0 ];
3.3 .Executing Swap Quotes
Copy const executeSwap = await swap .executeSwapInstruction ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
quote : optimalQuote ,
address : swap . signer ?. solana ?. publicKey .toString () ,
4.1 .Initialising The SDK
Copy import { ethers , utils } from 'ethers' ;
import { SwapAggregator , Environment , NetworkId } from '@kanalabs/aggregator' ;
const polygonRpc = process . env . ETH_NODE_URI_POLYGON as string ;
const polygonProvider = ethers .getDefaultProvider (polygonRpc);
const polygonSigner = new ethers .Wallet (privateKey , polygonProvider);
const swap = new SwapAggregator ( Environment .production , {
providers : {
polygon : polygonProvider ,
} ,
signers : {
polygon : polygonSigner ,
} ,
4.2 .Getting Swap Quotes
Copy const quote = await swap .swapQuotes ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
inputToken : '0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' ,
outputToken : '0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F' ,
amountIn : utils .parseEther ( '0.05' ) .toString () ,
slippage : 1 ,
network : NetworkId .polygon ,
const optimalQuote = quote .data[ 0 ];
4.3 .Executing Swap Quotes
Copy const executeSwap = await swap .executeSwapInstruction ({
apiKey : APIKEY ,
quote : optimalQuote ,
address : await swap . signer ?. polygon ?.getAddress () ,