EVM SDK Functions

Available Methods in SDK


getCounterFactualAddress(): Promise<string>;

To get the KanaWallet address

signMessage(dto: SignMessageDto): Promise<string>;

To sign a message

getNativeBalance(): Promise<string>;

To get the native token balance of the wallet

addUserOpsToBatch(tx: UserOpsRequest): Promise<BatchUserOpsRequest>;

To add transactions to the batch

clearUserOpsFromBatch(): Promise<void>;

To clear the transactions in the batch

estimate(gasDetails?: TransactionGasInfoForUserOp): Promise<UserOperationStruct>;

To estimate transactions added to the batch and get the fee data for the UserOp. Returns UserOperationStruct

send(userOp: UserOperationStruct): Promise<string>;

To sign the UserOp and send it to the bundler. Returns userOp hash

createSession(dto?: CreateSessionDto): Promise<Session>

To sign create a session

getUserOpReceipt(userOpHash: string): Promise<any>

To get the transaction hash

getGasFee(): Promise<import("./common").Gas>;

To get the Gas data

destroy(): void;

To destroy the SDK instance

getUserOpHash(userOp: UserOperationStruct): Promise<string>;

To get the UserOp Hash

getAccountContract(): Promise<import("./contracts").EtherspotWallet>;

To get the account contract

totalGasEstimated(userOp: UserOperationStruct): Promise<BigNumber>;

To estimate the gas for the transactions

getCrossChainQuotes(dto: GetExchangeCrossChainQuoteDto): Promise<BridgingQuotes>;

To get the crosschain quotes

getAdvanceRoutesLiFi(dto: GetAdvanceRoutesLiFiDto): Promise<AdvanceRoutesLiFi>

To get the routes for the LiFi

Last updated